Summoners War Rune Slot 3

by admin

To make it short and sweet, slots 2, 4 and 6 are available to be customized the most based on your monster needs. If you are looking for rune recommendations for each monster, check out the monster page. DB12 (9/10): Her speed slow and CR boost allows you to lower your team rune requirement for Dragon's B12. NB12 (0/10): She doesn't have enough multi-hits to break through the boss' shield. ToA (3/10): She can be used for early stage clears. Rift of Worlds (0/10): She is not recommended here. GB12 (0/10): Berenice has elemental disadvantage and isn't recommended here. DB12 (9/10): Her speed slow and CR boost allows you to lower your team rune requirement for Dragon's B12. NB12 (0/10): She doesn't have enough multi-hits to break through the boss' shield. ToA (3/10): She can be used for early stage clears. Rift of Worlds (0/10): She is not recommended here. Setiap map di design untuk drop Runes tertentu, sesuai dengan level dari map tsb. Contoh: Map Garen Forest - Level 1 akan selalu drop Rune Energy untuk slot 1 Map Garen Forest - Level 2 akan selalu drop Rune Energy untuk slot 2 Map Garen Forest - Level 3 akan selalu drop Rune Energy untuk slot 3 dst Opsi pertama Rune sesuai nomor slot nya.

Summoners War Atk%, CR or CD on 4th Slot Guide by danielzt

(sorry for the color scale which makes it look like something from the 80s)

The data is calculated based on the assumption that you have 900 base atk, and 900, 1200 or 1500 atk from 12356 slots. I picked these values to show you the influence of rune atk on the result.

(Comment #1: 900 base atk with 900 rune atk is the same as 800 base atk with 800 rune atk.)

Summoners War Rune Slot 3d

X – CR with the 12356 slots

Y – CD with 12356 slots

(Comments #2: Despite the optimal region for atk% on the 4th slot being eaten away when your rune based atk becomes high enough, the optimal regions for CR and CD remains relatively fixed. So normally you know what you should use on your 4th slot, even if your base/rune atk is different from what I have shown)

EDIT: Clarifications The X values is the CR that you achieved without the 58% on the 4th slot.

The Y values is the CD that you achieved without the 80% on the 4th slot.

Basically you equip 12356 slots and check the CR and CD you have, then you read the graph to decide if you should use atk% CD or CR on the 4th slot

EDIT2: Another comment, you don’t really need to know exactly where lies the boundary between using CR and CD, if your runes put you close to the boundary, it basically means that there will be negligible difference between using CR and CD on the 4th slot. Just pick the better runes and no worries xD.

EDIT3: Whatever your monster is, normally if you have two atk% on both 2and6 slots, you should be looking at image #3 or #2, if you have only one atk% on these slots, you should be looking at image #1.

EDIT4: You don’t really need to read this because it (the contour maps) is not very intuitive, unless you really want to know how much difference will your choice make, I’ll just show an example of atk=900+900

For example, if you have 25CR and 30CD, (25CR and 80CD on graph #3), the average damage difference between using CD and CR is about 20%. (yellow line)

If you have very low CR (20%) and very high CD (70 CD, 40 of which can come from the rage set), and you insisted on using CD and not CR on the 4th slot, the damage you lost might be as high as 40% (green line)

Summoners War Rune Slot 3

Guide by: ofuro28. Click here to go to the original source.

Some ToC:

  • In this post I want to make a rough guidance -a rule of thumb- about which monsters that can use specific runes.
  • Please take it with pinch of salt
  • I only want to emphasize on slot 2/4/6
  • I make this post with end-game stage on mind.
  • Resistances on slot 6 is immediate sell
  • Flat stats is immediate sell
  • Always sell any non-6stars rune you got except 5stars slot 2 spd, or you got it with 4 crazy substats
  • What I bold is the premium runes, you should be grateful if you got one
  • Also I won’t emphasize too much on monster that got special rune build or monster that a bit falls through on end game

Monster Classification

Before we starts, I want to classified some of monsters as:

  • Raw DD (RDD) : usually this type of monster relies on one of their skills (usually their 2nd or 3rd skills) as their sources of damage: lushen, katarina, kahli, etc
  • violent DD (VDD) : this type of monster potential increase with violent rune: camilla, kahli, raoq, guillaume, all chimeras, perna, tyron, etc
  • speed DD (SDD) : a type of damage dealer that increasing his damage according to aspd : all samurais, theomars, tesharion, hwa, etc
  • HP-based DD (HPDD) : DD that benefit greatly from his HP: eshir, vigor, beast monks, darion, jubilee (as pointed by /u/TaiserRY)
  • DEF-based DD (DEFDD) : DD that benefit greatly from his DEF : groggo, velajuel, dark archangel
  • SS – Support that want to Recycle their skills fast or support that benefit greatly from speed : chasun, veromos, eladriel, briand, shannon
  • Speed Demons (SD) – monster that you want to be the fastest one no matter what : megan, bernard, chloe, verde
  • Crowd-Control (CC) : Debuffer team: tyron, barreta, aria, thrain, etc
  • Bomber (BOMB) : water wind light kobold, and fire dark joker
  • TANK : self-described


So let’s start with the runes

Energy (HP +15%)

Summoners War Best Rune Guide

  • slot 2 spd : not the 1st choices, but can be used on SS or SD
  • slot 2 hp% : can be 1st choices for any tank type
  • slot 2 atk% : good for anavel or any atk-based healer monster. good runes for bomber also if you can keep the acc high enough through substats
  • slot 2 def% : sell
  • slot 4 hp% : can be 1st choices for any tank type
  • slot 4 atk% : see slot 2 atk%
  • slot 4 def% : sell
  • slot 4 critr% : can be 1st choices for ahman, if you can reach 100critrate through substats with violent/energy build
  • slot 4 critd % : can be 1st choices for vigor/eshir, if you can reach high critrate through substats with rage/energy build
  • slot 6 hp% : can be 1st choices for any tank type
  • slot 6 atk% : see slot 2 atk%
  • slot 6 def% : sell
  • slot 6 acc% : not the 1st choices, but can be use on any CC if you can keep 85 acc through subs on violent/energy or despair/energy set

Blade (Critical Rate +12%)

  • slot 2 spd : 1st choices for SDD, can also be useful for verd if you can’t hit 100critR through substats
  • slot 2 hp% : 1st choices for HPDD
  • slot 2 atk% : 1st choices for RDD, VDD
  • slot 2 def% : 1st choices for DEFDD
  • slot 4 hp% : sell, or you can keep it if you want broken sets for tank
  • slot 4 atk% : sell, or you can use it for BOMB
  • slot 4 def% : sell
  • slot 4 critr% : 1st choices for ahman, verd. don’t use it for any DD
  • slot 4 critd % : 1st choices for any DD
  • slot 6 hp% : 1st choices for HPDD
  • slot 6 atk% : 1st choices for RDD, VDD, SDD
  • slot 6 def% : 1st choices for DEFDD
  • slot 6 acc% : good for orochi, and mikene if you can reach 85acc and 100critr using violent/blade set

Focus (Accuracy +20%)

Summoners War Rune Slot 360

  • slot 2 spd : 1st choices for megan, bernard, and CC
  • slot 2 hp% : sell, or you can keep it if you want broken sets for tank
  • slot 2 atk% : 1st choices for bomber
  • slot 2 def% : sell
  • slot 4 hp% : 1st choices for CC, or you can use it as broken sets for tank
  • slot 4 atk% : 1st choices for bomber
  • slot 4 def% : sell
  • slot 4 critr% : 1st choices for orochi / mikene
  • slot 4 critd % : sell
  • slot 6 hp% : 2nd choices for CC (only if you can get 85 acc through subs). or you can use it as broken sets for tank
  • slot 6 atk% : 1st choices for bomber
  • slot 6 def% : sell
  • slot 6 acc% : 1st choices for CC

Fatal (Attack Power +35%)

There is a post regarding whether you should use fatal or rage, but for now, I assume that you can get at least 55 critR which is better to use rage than fatal

  • slot 2 spd : sell, or can be mediocre sets for SDD
  • slot 2 hp% : sell
  • slot 2 atk% : 1st choice for bomber, or can be mediocre sets for VDD, RDD
  • slot 2 def% : sell
  • slot 4 hp% : sell
  • slot 4 atk% : 1st choice for bomber
  • slot 4 def% : sell
  • slot 4 critr% : sell
  • slot 4 critd % : sell, or can be mediocre sets for VDD, RDD, SDD
  • slot 6 hp% : sell
  • slot 6 atk% : 1st choice for bomber, or can be mediocre sets for VDD, RDD, SDD
  • slot 6 def% : sell
  • slot 6 acc% : sell

Rage (Critical Damage +40%)

  • slot 2 spd : 1st choices for SDD
  • slot 2 hp%: 1st choices for eshir
  • slot 2 atk% : 1st choices for RDD
  • slot 2 def% : 2nd choices for DEFDD (after violent)
  • slot 4 hp% : sell, or can be use as broken sets for tank
  • slot 4 atk% : sell
  • slot 4 def%: sell
  • slot 4 critr%: sell
  • slot 4 critd % : 1st choices for SDD, HPDD, RDD, DEFDD
  • slot 6 hp%: 1st choices for eshir
  • slot 6 atk% : 1st choices for RDD, SDD
  • slot 6 def% : 1st choices for DEFDD
  • slot 6 acc% : sell

Swift (Attack Speed +25%)

  • slot 2 spd : 1st choices for SD, and SDD
  • slot 2 hp% : 2nd choices for SS
  • slot 2 atk% : sell
  • slot 2 def% : sell
  • slot 4 hp% : 1st choices for SD, 2nd choices for SS
  • slot 4 atk% : sell
  • slot 4 def% : sell
  • slot 4 critr% : best rune for verde (as pointed by /u/Uberlox) , otherwise sell
  • slot 4 critd % : 2nd choices for SDD
  • slot 6 hp% : 1st choices for SD or 2nd if the monster need acc
  • slot 6 atk% : sell
  • slot 6 def% : sell
  • slot 6 acc% : 1st choices for SD if the monster need acc

Guard (Defense +15%)

Summoners War Rune Builds

  • slot 2 spd : can be good for SD or CC, but definitely not 1st choice
  • slot 2 hp% : good enough for tank, but not 1st choices
  • slot 2 atk% : sell
  • slot 2 def% : 2nd choices for DEFDD if you can get lots of critR from violent/guard or rage/guard set. 1st choices for copper though
  • slot 4 hp% : good enough for tank, but not 1st choices
  • slot 4 atk% : sell
  • slot 4 def% : 1st choices for copper
  • slot 4 critr% : sell
  • slot 4 critd % : pls see slot 2 def%
  • slot 6 hp% : pls see slot 2 hp%
  • slot 6 atk% : sell
  • slot 6 def% : pls see slot 2 def%
  • slot 6 acc% : sell

Endure (Resistance +20%)

  • slot 2 spd : can be good enough for SD, but definitely not 1st choice
  • slot 2 hp% : good enough for tank, but not 1st choices
  • slot 2 atk% : sell
  • slot 2 def% : good enough for DEFDD , but not 1st choices
  • slot 4 hp% : see slot 2 HP%
  • slot 4 atk% : sell
  • slot 4 def% : sell
  • slot 4 critr% : sell
  • slot 4 critd % : good enough for DEFDD or HPDD, but not 1st choices and only if you can get high enough critR
  • slot 6 hp% : see slot 2 HP%
  • slot 6 atk% : sell
  • slot 6 def% : see slot 2 def%
  • slot 6 acc% : sell

Violent (Get Extra Turn +22%)

The best 4-rune sets in the game, nuf said

  • slot 2 spd : 2nd choices for SDD after swift, 1st choices for non-despair CC, 1st choices for SS (if you can get high enough HP)
  • slot 2 hp% : 1st choices for tank. 1st choices for HPDD (except eshir), 1st choices for SS (if you can’t get high enough HP)
  • slot 2 atk% : 1st choices for VDD
  • slot 2 def% : 1st choices for DEFDD
  • slot 4 hp% : 1st choices for tank, non-despair CC, SS
  • slot 4 atk% : 1st choices for anavel, or sell it if you dont have anavel
  • slot 4 def% : sell
  • slot 4 critr% : 1st choices for ahman, orochi, mikene.
  • slot 4 critd % : 1st choices for VDD. 2nd choices for SDD after swift, 2nd choices for HPDD after rage
  • slot 6 hp% : see slot 2 HP%
  • slot 6 atk% : 1st choices for VDD, 2nd choices for SDD after choices
  • slot 6 def% : see slot 2 DEF%
  • slot 6 acc% : 1st choices for non-despair CC

Despair (Stun Rate +25%)

  • slot 2 spd : 1st choice for CC
  • slot 2 hp% : 2nd choices (after violent) for briand, arnold.
  • slot 2 atk% : 2nd choices for DD that got AoE : lushen (after rage), sig (after violent),
  • slot 2 def% : 1st choices for artamiel, wind mk despair-revenge. also 1st choices for copper
  • slot 4 hp% : see slot 2 HP%, also 1st choices for CC
  • slot 4 atk% : sell
  • slot 4 def% : 1st choices for copper
  • slot 4 critr% : sell
  • slot 4 critd % : see slot 2 def% or slot 2 atk%
  • slot 6 hp% : see slot 2 HP%, also 1st choices for CC if you get enough acc from substat
  • slot 6 atk% : see slot 2 atk%
  • slot 6 def% : see slot 2 def%
  • slot 6 acc% : 1st choices for CC if you don’t get enough acc from substats

Nemesis (ATK Gauge +4% (for every 7% HP lost))

Runes Summoner War


I won’t talk a lot about nemesis, since from my observation, only handful of monster can use nemesis to its full extent, with examples:

  • camilla with atk/critd/atk violent/nemesis
  • chasun with spd/hp/hp or hp/hp/hp violent nemesis
  • ramagos with hp/hp/hp vampire/nemesis

As pointed by /u/papagelos and /u/JohtoKan actually veromos is indeed another monster that can benefited greatly from nemesis using: violent-nemesis spd/hp/hp or hp/hp/hp

Summoners war rune tips

Summoners War Rune Tips

Shield (Ally Shield 3 turns (15% of HP))

As a rule of thumb, shield works greatly if you got more base-HP%. Therefore this rune works great on hi-base HP monster, and can act as replacement 2-rune set if you find the stats and substats are much better than the most intended set.

Revenge (Counterattack +15%)

As a rule of thumb, revenge works great on monster that is not squishy, and got some special 1st skill effect

  • slot 2 spd : good on offensive tyron, raoq, bella
  • slot 2 hp% : darion, jultan, jubilee, talc, basalt. also good on any despair-revenge HP%/HP%/HP% tank monster, also good on HPDD monster
  • slot 2 atk% : camilla on violent revenge, wind mk on despair revenge
  • slot 2 def% : DEFDD if you can retain high critR
  • slot 4 hp% : see slot 2 HP%
  • slot 4 atk% : good for anavel, otherwise sell
  • slot 4 def% : sell
  • slot 4 critr% : good for verd if you can maintain 100% critr on swift/revenge
  • slot 4 critd % : see slot 2 atk%, also good on DEFDD if you can retain high critR
  • slot 6 hp% : see slot 2 HP%
  • slot 6 atk% : see slot 2 atk%
  • slot 6 def% : see slot 2 def%
  • slot 6 acc% : sell

Vampire (Life Drain +35%)

I wont describe in detail but vampire is good on:

  • ramagos on vampire-nemesis on HP%/HP%/HP% or vampire-energy HP%/HP%/HP%
  • for farmer, such as susanoo, liesel, to name a few.

Will (Immunity +1 turn)

As rule of thumbs:

  • best will user is chloe with swift/will, spd/hp/hp and with crazy spd everywhere. so keep an eye for that 😀
  • will is also good on cleanser, such as kona, fedora, delphoi with violent-will spd/hp/hp, also good on velajuel on violent-will def/critd/def
  • zeratu and rakan is another good will user with violent-will atk/critD/atk
  • otherwise, you can use will on your DD (if you can get high critR and critD), to counter tyron and zaiross team on PvP

In the end I hope this would be useful for some 😀

Summoners War Rune Slots
