Phaser Js Slot Machine

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Phaser js slot machine machines

Phaser offers beginners in game development the opportunity, to create HTML5 based games.In this tutorial, I want to explain the entry in Phaser with the help of a racing game, we will create. One that fills the slot machine with a background, another shows white lines as a border between the reels. This image is placed above the background and the created symbols by setting the z property. Putting Everything Together. By adding this slot machine to our scene, we can check if everything looks good: qml/Main.qml.

Developer(s)Photon Storm
Stable release
Written inJavaScript, TypeScript
TypeGame engine
LicenseMIT License

Phaser is a 2D game framework used for making HTML5 games for desktop and mobile.[1] It is a free software and developed by Photon Storm.[2]

Phaser uses both a Canvas and WebGL renderer internally and can automatically swap between them based on browser support. This allows for fast rendering across desktop and mobile. It uses the Pixi.js library for rendering.

Games can be compiled to iOS, Android and native desktop apps via 3rd party tools like Apache Cordova and phonegap.[3]

Whilst you can wrap your game into a native app using tools such as Cordova and Phonegap the game itself is never compiled. The 'game' is simply run as JavaScript in a bundled browser. This means performance is nothing like a native compiled app.


The only requirement to use Phaser is a web browser that supports the <canvas> HTML tag. For desktop this includes Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE9+ and Opera. Development can be done in either JavaScript or TypeScript.[4]

Some of the elements available are:

Phaser Js Slot Machine Schematics

Phaser Js Slot Machine
  • Images, spritesheets and tweens - Static and dynamic images, and a mechanism to animate them.
  • Input control
  • Game Physics - Phaser includes three main physics engines.


Richard Davey announced the first release of Phaser on a blog post in April 2013.[5] Version 1.0 was released on September, incorporating the Pixi.js library for rendering.[6]

The last official version of Phaser 2 was 2.6.2, but to allow improvements to the stable version while working on Phaser 3, a new repository was created: Phaser CE (Community Edition).[7] Phaser CE is thus the currently recommended stable platform for development with Phaser.

Phaser 3.0.0 was released on February 13, 2018 and development is ongoing on Github.[8] Most elements and features of the framework have been rebuilt from scratch using a fully modular structure and. Retrieved 2018-05-15.

  • ^'Phaser 3 Dev Log #148: Phaser 4 Announcement and a catch-up on Phaser 3.18 and 3.19 releases. - Phaser3 - Phaser'. Retrieved 2020-04-26.
  • External links[edit]

    Retrieved from ''

    The first in a series of long-form tutorials covering the process of creating a Facebook Instant Game with Phaser 3.

    A comprehensive tutorial with example code on how to create texture atlases for Phaser 3 with Texture Packer.

    Emanuele covers the basics of creating infinite terrain generation in a horizontal endless runner game.

    Regain control of your mech take down the corrupt mayor in this fun game!


    Julian shares the source code for a Tower of Hanoi simulator that was built with Phaser 2.

    Ansimuz shares a fantastic game art pack that can build used to build a castlevania like scene in Phaser.

    Emanuele releases an update to the Dashy Panda game that includes more customizations, object pooling, and updates the game for Phaser 3!

    Learn how to build a simple HTML5 game with Phaser 3!

    Rutger McKenna provides a basic introduction to Phaser 3.

    Tommy Leung from Ourcade shares an excellent tutorial on how you can create a reveal or scratch off effect in Phaser 3!

    Pixel based physics engine with HTML5 example powered by Phaser

    27th July2020

    A fun filled turn based strategy game.

    Check out this metroidvania game developed by stacksta.

    Watch Developer Advocate @nraboy walkthrough game development with Phaser and MongoDB!

    Phaser Js Slot Machine Jackpots

    17th July2020

    Grab a pickaxe and dig away on this journey to the core of the Earth. A hyperactive miner, a bag of trusty tools, and a variety of resources, that’s all you need to drill through the many layers of Earth in this charming adventure.

    Commercial HTML5 math game “DrawSum” source code available for free

    @Yosept at Hackernoon shares his review of the Phaser 3 framework

    Phaser js slot machine machines
    13th July2020

    Alex Hrybyk discusses game development with Phaser on Tech JR.

    York Computer Solutions LLC shares content for learning Phaser 3 basics.

    8th July2020

    GameSnacks helps brings web games to millions of people world wide!

    Wash away germs in this free web game!

    Taylor Nodell shares an excellent tutorial on creating an isometric scene in Phaser!

    The Phaser community is huge, prolific, friendly, and awesome!
    Brand new content is added daily. From game releases, to videos and tutorials.